Sunday, October 2, 2011

-141- Hollowing Out

One of the grocery stores in town is closing, so for the past few weeks they have been having a massive closeout sale. All the food and other merchandise is moved to the front row of the aisles, except the produce, meat, and dairy. I went today to see what I could find for a good price, and didn't come back with much (not that things weren't at a good price... they just were mostly things that we didn't need). Anyway, this picture captures just how empty half the store was. It was slightly eerie... there were people rummaging around and piling their shopping carts high, and it felt like it was one of those movies where there is some catastrophic event that makes it so that shop owners no longer have control over their stores, which results in mass looting. I even saw a man with a boy that had a cart packed with cosmetics... my only guess was that he was planning on selling them to make a profit, since they were marked down so much.

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