Wednesday, July 27, 2011

-74- Smooth

Today was probably our last whole day off together, and we spent the afternoon the Grapevine Mills Mall. I love this mall because it's full of outlet stores, and their food court has some great options. In addition to their food, there are also yummy little snack places around the mall, and we stopped to get some gelato at this place because the last time we were there we vowed to come back and eat it. I managed to capture this shot before I ate it all. It was SO good. In this little cup there are three flavors: Bailey's Chocolate Swirl, Tiramisu, and Black Cherry Swirl. Eating gelato brought back great memories... I think the last time I ate it was in Greece!


  1. I hope you didn't shove any in your eye. :D

    But that sounds super yummy! There aren't any gelato places in Abilene yet. I think things like this are one of the best parts of living in a big city

  2. Bahahah! Justin just read this comment (which I forgot to reply to when you wrote it) and laughed at that first bit! I just told him the other day about that incident in Girona and I'm pretty sure he'd do just about anything to see that pic you have of me with chocolate gelato all over my face.
