Monday, July 25, 2011

-72- Bladder Control

This morning I went to get a pre-employment drug screening at this clinic downtown. Unfortunately, I didn't have to "go" as much as I'd thought, so I had to sit in the little waiting room next to the water dispenser, refilling paper Dixie cup after paper Dixie cup of ice cold water. By the time I was ready, I was also shivering. Glad I got that out of the way.


  1. Hahahaha. Sorry I'm laughing at your discomfort, but that's pretty funny. I keep laughing as I picture you sitting there, filling cup after cup. Haha.

    Now, if you just drank water like I do then you wouldn't have had that problem.

    Btw, I like your new blog them. It's what inspired me to finally put a header on my blog, which I've been meaning to do ever since I began it (yep, in January).

  2. Ha! I wouldn't expect anything less from you that laughter. ;) (Seriously though - you know how our relationship is.) The thing is, I *thought* I'd drunk enough earlier that morning, which was really disappointing. Funny story: for the next few hours after the screening I was going like every half hour. hahaha!

    Thanks about my new theme! I'd never checked out Blogger's backgrounds until the other day. I liked this one because it was simple. Perhaps I shall do a photo header like you... Someday. :)

  3. *other than laughter (not "that laughter")
