Friday, July 22, 2011

-69- The End of An Era

After a delicious dinner courtesy of JoAnna's Kitchen, Justin and I finished off date night with a showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. As you can see, we were the first ones in the theater. I made poor Justin arrive over an hour early to ensure good seats. I have to say, I think it was one of the best Harry Potter movies. Very dark, dramatic, and emotional. I can't believe that it's the end, though. It was hard enough when the book series ended, and now that the movies are done with, it's a weird feeling. (I'm a die hard fan, can't ya tell??) Don't worry, no spoilers here! Go see it and enjoy it for yourself. :)


  1. Die hard fan and you just now saw it? I raise my skeptical eyebrow!


  2. Haha! You make a good point. I guess I'm more of a big fan of the books, and then the movies by association. But I have gone to a couple midnight movie premieres, but that was back when I had friends who actually liked HP too... haha!

  3. I agree the books are better. But I still love the movies too. I feel like half my life is over now :(
