Wednesday, June 1, 2011

-18- Leak

Yesterday was pretty much the last day of our honeymoon; Justin finally started work today. And wouldn't you know, the day he is gone I decide to do some laundry and the washer leaks. Actually, it's not as dramatic as it sounds, and it has happened before. We know where the problem is and how to fix it, so it's not that big of a deal. I just thought this image was too hilarious not to capture. This is the view of our laundry room when he was busy drying the water behind the washer. Before this, I dried what I could and waited for him to come home to move the washer and dry what was left.


  1. It's so lucky and awesome you even have your own washer and dryer. I wish I had one. Are they yours or did they come with the apartment?

  2. Haha!! That picture is pretty hilarious.

    Though I am sorry that you had a leak.

  3. Melissa, Steven's brother gave them to us. We are blessed!
